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The Difference Between Success and Failure - Don't Quit

February 20, 20244 min read

This weekend, I ran a 5K race for a great cause and for fun. There were so many lessons I faced before, during, and after the race about staying the course. It reminded me of what I have faced in sales, business, and life! I was excited when I signed up for the race and seeing my sister and other enthusiastic people who came out that day. As the race started, there was excitement - then came the hills!

For a second, I thought about stopping. I saw others walking and reminded myself the finish line is closer than I thought. And I reminded myself to 'always do my best,' at other times when it seemed tough, or I wanted to stop. Isn't life the same way? At the end, seeing the finish line in sight, I played Rocky's theme 'Gonna Fly Now,' to speed up. After injuring my knee almost a year ago, thinking I could not run again, I proved to myself, I can always do my best, and everything will work out. I finished 2 minutes under my last 5K race time. It did work out - and I didn't quit!

In the pursuit of success, the road is often fraught with challenges, setbacks, and obstacles. It's easy to be enthusiastic at the starting line, but true victory lies in the ability to persist when the journey becomes tough. I believe the reason we will always face obstacles is a true test of our character, and a to see how bad we really want the result!

These are my top tips on staying the course and examining common mistakes that can derail a determined mindset.

Embrace the Long Game: Stay the Course

Success rarely happens overnight. Whether you're navigating the competitive landscape of sales, steering a business through challenges, or simply striving for personal growth, understanding that success is a journey—a marathon, not a sprint—is crucial. Break down your goals into manageable milestones and celebrate each small victory. This approach not only brings a sense of accomplishment but also helps maintain the momentum needed to overcome larger hurdles.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Be a Student and Invest in Yourself

A growth mindset, as advocated by psychologist Carol S. Dweck, is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed with dedication and hard work. In the face of adversity, view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than barriers. Think of all of the famous people in our world and history who overcame adversity - Rosa Parks, Oprah Winfrey, Abraham Lincoln...the list is endless! This mindset shift not only enhances resilience but also empowers you to adapt and learn from setbacks, turning them into steppingstones toward success.

Learn from Failure: There are NO Mistakes, Only Lessons Learned

Failure is not the end; it's a steppingstone to success. Thomas Edison once said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. “Every setback is a lesson, an opportunity to refine your approach and move closer to your goals. Instead of seeing failure as a roadblock, view it as a detour guiding you toward a more effective route.

Surround Yourself with Positivity:

I once heard a saying 'if you hang out with the dogs - you will end up with fleas!' No one likes to be around negativity. People buy (and want to spend time with) people they like and trust. Ask anyone, and they will agree that is true! Surround yourself with positive influences—mentors, colleagues, friends. Read books, go to workshops, seminars, and get involved in groups with those whom you aspire to be.

Avoid these Mistakes:

  1. Fearing Failure: Allowing the fear of failure to paralyze decision-making. You never know until you try. Embrace failure as a natural part of the journey and a steppingstone to success.

  2. Lack of Adaptability: Be flexible. Sticking rigidly to a plan, even when circumstances change. Adjust your strategies when necessary and learn from unexpected challenges.

  3. Isolation: Trying to go it alone without seeking support. Build a network of mentors, colleagues, or friends who can provide guidance and encouragement. Leaders and coaches need coaches.

  4. Short-Term Focus: Being too fixated on immediate results. Keep the long-term vision in mind and celebrate incremental successes along the way.

  5. Ignoring Self-Care: Neglecting physical and mental well-being. Prioritize self-care to maintain the stamina and clarity needed to overcome challenges.

In the journey toward success, resilience is the secret sauce that moves setbacks into steppingstones. By embracing a growth mindset, learning from failure, and avoiding common pitfalls, you will win. As Og Mandino wisely puts it, "I will persist until I succeed," make this your mantra, and witness the transformative power of courage and determination in sales, business, and life.

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My ⭐️ Northstar: My keywords are 'sales,' 'speaking,' and 'confidence.' I create breakthroughs in sales and confidence for high performing leaders and teams to manifest and monetize their magic. Sales and success is 90% mindset, and 10% tactics. The best investment you will ever make is in...YOURSELF. This is my commitment to you, my clients, and all who attend my events!

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Amy Lemire CSP

Amy Lemire CSP DTM works with success-driven leaders and teams who want to be more, make more, and sell more with confidence, with momentum. She is the creator of “The Best Version of You: Success Habits Breakthrough” Program. For the past 10 years, she has trained thousands of sales and business professionals on standards of excellence, and mastery of the keys to success and the ‘Sales Confidence Code.’ Her focus is on how to win the inner game of self-confidence to drive peak performance results in sales, business, and speaking, through the mastery of success habits. After spending 2 decades in business-to-business and medical sales and training, Amy founded AIM Training and Consulting International. She is a certified “Habitfinder” Leadership Coach. Amy is the author of 2 books: “From Zero to Sales Hero,” and “From Zero to Speaker Hero.” Amy was recently designated as a Certified Speaking Professional, in March 2023, by the National Speakers Association, for delivering over 300 hours of training and speaking. She is also a VISTAGE-certified speaker. Amy is a Distinguished Toastmaster, the Past President of National Speakers Association, St Louis Chapter, and a Member of the National Speakers Association. She has been recognized as a Fortune 500 top sales performer and sales trainer for over 3 decades. When she is not working you may find her at local rock concert, personal development seminar, or at home with her husband Nigel and her cat Brianna.

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Naomi B, St Louis, Missouri

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