Consistency is a Key to Meeting or Missing Results in Sales, Business, and Life

Consistency is a Key to Meeting or Missing Results in Sales, Business, and Life

September 16, 20243 min read

Habit 1: Consistency is a Key to Meeting or Missing Results in Sales, Business, and Life

Have you ever had a goal or a result you were seeking, and day after day, it felt more out of reach? Perhaps you lost interest, became distracted, or other personal or professional obstacles got in the way of finishing what you had sought to achieve. I have experienced this in my sales career, business, and personal life. As I look back on times when my success and momentum were stalled, I ask: why does this happen? Most often, it is not about what gets in our way, it is that we lose consistency in the daily activity to meet our goals. Eventually, a lack of consistency slows down our momentum. Before we know it, we have completely given up or forgotten about the result or goal we are seeking. Then we question, doubt, or give up.

In this first blog in my "10 Keys to Accelerate your Sales and Success" series, we focus on the importance of keeping daily consistency to make our dreams become reality. Consistency is often the key that distinguishes top performers from the rest. However, several habits, such as procrastination, overwhelm, and overcommitment, can significantly impede our ability to stay consistent.

Procrastination is a frequent culprit, where we delay important tasks in favor of less critical activities. This habit not only hampers productivity but also creates a backlog of work that becomes increasingly challenging to manage. Instead of procrastination, focus on 2 mm steps. I refer to these as 'power sessions.' Schedule 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes to complete a task you are avoiding. Set a timer, focus, do not multi task or allow other distractions to stop you, such as social media, surfing the internet, or ending up in front of the refrigerator!

Similarly, overwhelm arises when we take on too many responsibilities at once or begin to "overthink" about the next step or strategy. The sheer volume of tasks can paralyze us, leading to missed deadlines and unmet goals. Remember, the word "no" is a complete sentence. It can be difficult to overcome the "people pleaser" within some of us at times (speaking for myself), however, it gets easier the more we practice saying no. A coach once reminded me during a time in my life when I was overcommitted to always ask myself, "when I say no, what am I saying yes to?"

Overcommitment is another pitfall. While saying "yes' to too many projects might seem beneficial initially, it often stretches our resources too thin, making it impossible to give our best to every commitment. I often remind my clients to "zero base" decisions. Take everyone else out of the decision and then ask yourself "what do I really want to do?" Listen to the truth in your answer, regardless of what others think. If they are upset, it is usually about them...not you.

So, how can we create consistency and overcome these hurdles?

Here are a few actionable strategies:

1. Daily Activity:

Set aside dedicated time each day for tasks that move you closer to your goals. Whether it's prospecting, client follow-ups, or personal development, daily engagement reinforces habits and enhances productivity.

2. 2mm Steps:

Inspired by Tony Robbins' concept, focus on taking small, manageable steps consistently. These micro-actions, though seemingly minor, lead to compound growth over time.

3. Focus:

Eliminate distractions and concentrate on high-impact activities. Prioritizing what truly matters helps maintain momentum and delivers better results.

4. Daily Planning and Goal Setting:

Start each day by outlining your key objectives. Break them down into actionable items and prioritize tasks. Regularly review your progress to stay aligned with your long-term vision.

By implementing these strategies, you can build a solid foundation of consistency, crucial for achieving sustained success in sales, business, and life.

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Amy Lemire CSP DTM works with success-driven leaders and teams who want to be more, make more, and sell more with confidence, with momentum.  She is the creator of “The Best Version of You: Success Habits Breakthrough” Program. For the past 10 years, she has trained thousands of sales and business professionals on standards of excellence, and mastery of the keys to success and the ‘Sales Confidence Code.’ Her focus is on how to win the inner game of self-confidence to drive peak performance results in sales, business, and speaking, through the mastery of success habits. 

After spending 2 decades in business-to-business and medical sales and training, Amy founded AIM Training and Consulting International. She is a certified “Habitfinder” Leadership Coach. Amy is the author of 2 books: “From Zero to Sales Hero,” and “From Zero to Speaker Hero.” 

Amy was recently designated as a Certified Speaking Professional, in March 2023, by the National Speakers Association, for delivering over 300 hours of training and speaking. She is also a VISTAGE-certified speaker. Amy is a Distinguished Toastmaster, the Past President of National Speakers Association, St Louis Chapter, and a Member of the National Speakers Association. She has been recognized as a Fortune 500 top sales performer and sales trainer for over 3 decades.  When she is not working you may find her at local rock concert, personal development seminar, or at home with her husband Nigel and her cat Brianna.

Amy Lemire CSP

Amy Lemire CSP DTM works with success-driven leaders and teams who want to be more, make more, and sell more with confidence, with momentum. She is the creator of “The Best Version of You: Success Habits Breakthrough” Program. For the past 10 years, she has trained thousands of sales and business professionals on standards of excellence, and mastery of the keys to success and the ‘Sales Confidence Code.’ Her focus is on how to win the inner game of self-confidence to drive peak performance results in sales, business, and speaking, through the mastery of success habits. After spending 2 decades in business-to-business and medical sales and training, Amy founded AIM Training and Consulting International. She is a certified “Habitfinder” Leadership Coach. Amy is the author of 2 books: “From Zero to Sales Hero,” and “From Zero to Speaker Hero.” Amy was recently designated as a Certified Speaking Professional, in March 2023, by the National Speakers Association, for delivering over 300 hours of training and speaking. She is also a VISTAGE-certified speaker. Amy is a Distinguished Toastmaster, the Past President of National Speakers Association, St Louis Chapter, and a Member of the National Speakers Association. She has been recognized as a Fortune 500 top sales performer and sales trainer for over 3 decades. When she is not working you may find her at local rock concert, personal development seminar, or at home with her husband Nigel and her cat Brianna.

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