Relationships are everything

The Key to Success: Building Relationships for Repeatable Results

October 08, 20233 min read

When I was in sales, and today in training, relationships are the foundation of everything we do. We have heard 'people buy from whom they like and trust,' and in our personal lives, relationships are a key to happiness. I think the quality of our relationships is often a reflection of ourself, how are we showing up? Other times, it might not be about us, but a breakdown could be about the other person. In the world of sales and business development, relationships are the pillars upon which success is built. Each connection, each interaction, holds the potential to shape our journey and elevate our success. Og Mandino, in his timeless book 'The Greatest Salesman in the World,' captures this approach with the powerful statement, 'I will greet this day with love in my heart.' This simple yet profound declaration encapsulates the importance of human connection, not only in our personal lives but also in the realm of business.

Embrace the Power of Connection

Just as Mandino's words encourage us to embrace love in our hearts, so should we approach our clients and partners, fostering genuine, authentic connections. Clients are more likely to engage and collaborate with someone they trust, someone who genuinely cares about their needs and concerns.

The Peril of Burning Bridges

I read once early in my career 'never burn a bridge.' This includes everything from leaving a company, employer, and wanting to 'tell them what you really think,' or having it out with a difficult customer. I have learned so many times the value of not burning bridges. Sometimes that tough customer ends up at a new account we are calling on. Sometimes the person you worked for comes to a company you are now working at. Sometimes that company or person calls you years later for a new opportunity. I have faced every one of these examples! Bury the hatchet. Every interaction, no matter how small, can have a lasting impact. A bridge once burned is not easily rebuilt, and the consequences of a damaged relationship can extend far beyond the heat of the moment. Why? You are leaving a door open for potential collaboration in the future.

Keys to Building Rock-Solid Relationships

1.    Trust: Keep your commitments. Don't make promises you can't keep. Trust is the bedrock of any enduring relationship. Demonstrate integrity, reliability, and consistency in your actions and promises.

2.    Communication: Listen more, speak less. Effective communication involves not just speaking but truly understanding the other party. Listen actively, ask questions, and clarify doubts.

3.    Empathy: Understand and share the feelings of your clients and partners. Show that you care about their challenges and successes.

4.    Consistency and Reliability: Be dependable. Consistency in your actions and reliability in your promises create a sense of security in relationships.

Mistakes to Avoid and Keys to Success

Mistakes to Avoid:

1.    Lack of Communication: Most problems don't come from too much communication, but the opposite - little to no communication! Failing to keep the lines of communication open can lead to misunderstandings and damaged relationships.

2.    Taking Relationships for Granted: Neglecting to nurture and appreciate relationships can cause them to wither away.

3.    Being Self-Centered: I call this being 'self' vs. 'other' focused. A big key to sales success. Putting your needs above those of your clients can alienate them and harm the relationship.

Keys to Success:

1.    Exceed Expectations: Go the extra mile to delight your clients, surpassing their expectations and leaving a lasting impression.

2.    Client-Centric Approach: Always prioritize the needs and desires of your clients, tailoring your approach to meet their unique requirements.

3.    Building Long-Term Relationships: Focus on fostering relationships that extend beyond a single transaction, aiming for a partnership that endures and grows.

In conclusion, maintaining relationships is an art, a delicate dance that requires our utmost attention and dedication. In the world of sales and business development, these relationships form the intricate patterns that lead to success. So, let us heed the wisdom of Og Mandino and greet each day with love in our hearts, embracing the opportunities to connect, grow, and thrive.




Amy Lemire CSP DTM works with success-driven leaders and teams who want to be more, make more, and sell more with confidence, with momentum.  She is the creator of “The Best Version of You: Success Habits Breakthrough” Program. For the past 10 years, she has trained thousands of sales and business professionals on standards of excellence, and mastery of the keys to success and the ‘Sales Confidence Code.’ Her focus is on how to win the inner game of self-confidence to drive peak performance results in sales, business, and speaking, through the mastery of success habits. 

After spending 2 decades in business-to-business and medical sales and training, Amy founded AIM Training and Consulting International. She is a certified “Habitfinder” Leadership Coach. Amy is the author of 2 books: “From Zero to Sales Hero,” and “From Zero to Speaker Hero.” 

Amy was recently designated as a Certified Speaking Professional, in March 2023, by the National Speakers Association, for delivering over 300 hours of training and speaking. She is also a VISTAGE-certified speaker. Amy is a Distinguished Toastmaster, the Past President of National Speakers Association, St Louis Chapter, and a Member of the National Speakers Association. She has been recognized as a Fortune 500 top sales performer and sales trainer for over 3 decades.  When she is not working you may find her at local rock concert, personal development seminar, or at home with her husband Nigel and her cat Brianna.

Amy Lemire CSP

Amy Lemire CSP DTM works with success-driven leaders and teams who want to be more, make more, and sell more with confidence, with momentum. She is the creator of “The Best Version of You: Success Habits Breakthrough” Program. For the past 10 years, she has trained thousands of sales and business professionals on standards of excellence, and mastery of the keys to success and the ‘Sales Confidence Code.’ Her focus is on how to win the inner game of self-confidence to drive peak performance results in sales, business, and speaking, through the mastery of success habits. After spending 2 decades in business-to-business and medical sales and training, Amy founded AIM Training and Consulting International. She is a certified “Habitfinder” Leadership Coach. Amy is the author of 2 books: “From Zero to Sales Hero,” and “From Zero to Speaker Hero.” Amy was recently designated as a Certified Speaking Professional, in March 2023, by the National Speakers Association, for delivering over 300 hours of training and speaking. She is also a VISTAGE-certified speaker. Amy is a Distinguished Toastmaster, the Past President of National Speakers Association, St Louis Chapter, and a Member of the National Speakers Association. She has been recognized as a Fortune 500 top sales performer and sales trainer for over 3 decades. When she is not working you may find her at local rock concert, personal development seminar, or at home with her husband Nigel and her cat Brianna.

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